How to Create Passive Income

how to create passive income

Every week I have friends who ask me how to create passive income in Singapore. There are many ways, including property rental, stock dividend, MLMs and e-commerce. But all the above have a certain level of risk. Recently I discovered a new passive income instrument that has significantly lower risk than any of the above ways.

there is this new improved plan that helps everyone create a passive income for as long as they live (or till age 110).

Imagine you buy a condo and start renting it out. You collect rent every month for your whole life, with or without a tenant. You never have to do renovations.

Best of all, there is no need to pay BSD, or ABSD, or property tax, or income tax on your rental.

No tax at all.

And unlike actual property rentals, you don’t need a lot of capital.

If you have $240K ($50K to start) sitting somewhere in your bank that you don’t need to use, you can get this unique passive income instrument.

I keep hearing friends who say they want to retire early. With this new method, it’s a lot more possible.

Connect with me if you’re keen to receive exact numbers based on your age. No obligation to proceed even after I send you the numbers, let’s just start with education. You control the actions after that.


Note: Opinions expressed are solely in Mr. Chan Kong Meng’s personal capacity and neither express the views or opinions of Prudential nor represent any professional advice in Mr. Chan Kong Meng’s capacity as a PACS representative.


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